I have had two WordPress blogs hacked into in the past. That was at a time when I was doing very little internet marketing, and until I found time to address the situation (months later), these sites were penalised in the search engines. They were not removed, but the rankings were reduced.Backing up your blog regularly also assists in procuring fr
Security: You Can Learn It
When I was in college, one of my company instructors told us students that one of the biggest hurdles to making money was procrastination.WordPress cloning, as it applies to secure your wordpress site, is the act of making an exact replica of your WordPress install. What is great is that with the right software, you can do it. There are a lot of re
How To Change Admin Username And Your Wordpress Password
First thing which platform should I choose? I believe the most easy way to construct a webshop is to use a CMS system. Systems are systems that are well-tested and extremely popular. And these systems are easy to use and simple to customize. I advise you to choose WordPress. Why? So I can use any CMS system easily, I'm a software programmer, but m
The Way To Repair Computer Start Up Quickly And Make Your Computer Run
Are you getting warnings from your antispyware or antivirus program telling you that win32 monder has been detected? If yes then you should remove it as fast as possible. I will describe how to remove monder Trojan safely and quickly. Why safely? A number of you might have tried to delete the files . Those files might be infected but they could be
Get Malware Now And Secure Your Computer
Spyware, Adware, Malware, Badware.whatever you opt to call it, it's a problem. Chances are that you or someone you know has or will experience some type of'ware' disease on a computer and it can be frustrating.Malware programs install Registry Keys into the Windows Registry which alter the way your computer functions. If it has installed registry